Google Using Direct Mail to Promote Adwords
In case you think that print advertising has gone the way of the horse and buggy, here's a news flash. Google is using direct mail to promote Adwords, its online advertising program. Today I received a letter from Google along with a brochure and coupon for Adwords. If Google, the largest venue for online advertising in the world, chooses to mail printed brochures to solicit potential customers, what does that mean for the rest of us? Clearly, Google could flood the internet with online advertising for its own services at minimal cost. By choosing to use direct mail, Google is acknowledging that print media still works. Their marketing people have probably calculated that direct mail is well worth the cost of printing and postage. They would be right. Print lends credibility and drives customers to the electronic media. An integrated campaign, using electronic and print media in a coordinated manner, may be the most effective way ever to get your message across.
I was linked to your writing by a Tweet. I have since sent your encouraging words about direct mail to a colleague in that business. Thanks for the post.
Owen C. Western
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