Holiday Card Orders Being Filled Now
Yes, there are some people who have already ordered their holiday cards. Of course, I am not one of them, and chances are, neither are you. In mid December when holiday card orders start to pour into CR Print with urgent messages (and voices) attached, it dawns on me that I am not alone in my perennial procrastination. I will probably wait until the last minute to order my cards, but you don’t have to. No, really.
Our online holiday card collection makes choosing your holiday cards easier and faster than ever. Just go here. This will take you to our all new 2010 selection of holiday cards. You can make your choices and place your order all on line. It is a great time saver.
But, and here is the hard sell, don't wait too long. The more popular cards sell out and you need to leave enough time to get them addressed, mailed and delivered.
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