Monday, January 31, 2011

Catalogs Drive Sales - Free DVD

A market study by comScore shows that among visitors to retail websites, twice as many online purchases are made by catalog recipients. Clearly catalogs drive retail sales, and now would be a good time to create one. The U.S. Postal Service has created “getting started in catalogs,” a promotional campaign featuring a free instructional DVD and live webinar series.

The free Postal Service DVD explains how Dell, Zappos, and other companies became market leaders by adding catalogs to their marketing mix. It’s so easy to forget that Dell and Zappos weren’t always the big names in e-tail they are today. Why not study and learn how they did it with the help of catalogs? The ideas and information from the Postal Service's promotional campaign can help you to promote your own business.

Learn how online retailers used catalogs to help reach their business goals by ordering this free DVD – “Catalogs and E-Tailing: Reaching Customers Beyond the Web.” Here’s is a link to order the Postal Service's free DVD for yourself: